RGV Computer Repair Cost Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much will we charge for a repair or upgrade of a computer?
    If we do not fix your problem it can be free of charge but if you want us to access the real problem and  make recommendations an assessment fee of $40 will be charged. WE ARE SURE OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN Best Buy's Geek Squad and Apple's Genius Bar.
  • Hard drive data recovery cost?
    $150 if we can recover any file. You will need to purchase a new hard drive where you want to transfer the files. We will always tell you first if we can recover  files. We will tell you if you need to buy a new drive. We can not promise we can recover all files but we always try our best. Here is a link to how much will Best Buy charge : https://www.bestbuy.com/site/geek-squad/geek-squad-data-recovery/pcmcat748300502324.c?id=pcmcat748300502324
  • Re-installation of Operating System cost or Virus clean up?
    $150 Be sure you a have a backup of all your pictures, documents before this is done. If you want us to backup your files it is an additional $50. Situations where you need to re-install the OS  are: 1. When you think you have a virus in your computer. 2. When you think your computer is running slow and you need to start from a fresh OS.
  • RAM upgrade cost? 
    $75 for us to upgrade your RAM. We will recommend the right RAM model for your computer. We can order it for you or you can buy it. Btw, RAM upgrade is recommended to make your computer faster. It is the cheapest upgrade to make a computer run faster.
  • Hard Drive Upgrade to Solid State?
    $150 If your computer is a Mac this is very easy. If your computer is Windows 10 based it can be tricky. With Windows based computers you will need all the software installers that came with your computer. Changing your hard drive to SSD (Solid State Drive) will make your computer run faster at start up or boot up. Because there is no moving parts in reading your softwares or files your computer would execute faster.
  • How long is the repair?
    We always want to have a fast turn around time but we want to be thorough. Give us 5 business working days to work on your computer. Sometimes we need to order parts so  please do not include part replacement delivery time.
  • How about other computer repairs?
    Blue Screen, Cracked Screen, Dead Battery please contact us on other computer repairs. Remember, if we can not fix the computer problem it is free.